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272 bytes removed ,  23:41, 17 February 2013
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[[File:Envelope_Filters_01.jpg|thumb|right|Envelope Filter Model]]
[[File:Envelope_Filters_01.png|thumb|right|Envelope Filter]]
[[File:Envelope_Filters_02.JPG|thumb|right|Envelope Filter Inside]]
[[File:Envelope_Filters_02.JPG|thumb|right|Envelope Filter]]
'''Envelope Filters''' separate solid particles from a fluid. To do this, there is usually a knob dedicated to the filter frequency (cut-off point) just for the filter envelope. Turn the normal filter cut-off down, and turn the filter envelope cut-off higher, and then program the filter envelope like a normal envelope.  
'''Envelope Filters''' separate solid particles from a fluid.  

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