Heating Ducts

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Heating Ducts or Duct Heaters are used to heat moving gas streams. They are installed in the middle of a moving air / gas stream in order to heat the air as it moves through the heater.

Heating Ducts


Multi-Zone or Dual Duct Heaters – These heater is designed for installation inside multi-zone or dual duct air conditioning equipment, where the airflow is highly variable and unevenly distributed. These heaters use coils derated to approximately 25 watts per square inch (3.8 watts per square cm) of wire surface area (approximately one half normal watt density). Low density coils run cooler and thus provide longer life under these stringent operating conditions. These heaters are supplied with fully proportional SCR control or with many heating stages to insure that no more heat is being supplied than is absolutely necessary. Each heater stage is spread over the entire face area to take advantage of all available airflow. A perforated pressure plate is factory-installed on the air inlet side of the heater to make the airflow as uniform as possible. Linear limit thermal cutouts protect against serious overheating anywhere along the length of the heater. When the heater must be installed entirely within the unit, only thermal cutouts are built into the heater, a remote panel is required for controls. When the terminal box can be external, heaters are available with a wide range of built-in controls.


Low Temperature Duct Heaters

These heating ducts are solidly built comfort and air process heaters designed for installations where the inlet air temperature does not exceed 100° F (38 C). They utilize a Finned Tubular Heater construction assembled to a rugged metal terminal housing with integral mounting flange for installation into air duct. Over-temperature thermostats are included.

High Temperature Duct Heaters

High temperature heating ducts designs offer flexibility for numerous air and gas applications up to 1100° F (593 C) depending on model. Assemblies are available for direct insertion into existing duct work or as standalone flow through tube exchangers. All units are manufactured utilizing Vulcan component heating elements or subassemblies.
