Discharge Aids
Discharge Aids may be defined as devices that stimulate or improve bulk solids flow out of bulk storage containers orsilos. Items may be installed downstream of discharge aids to provide a means to shut off or regulate the flow of bulk solids. Slide Gate Valves and feeders are examples of discharge controllers. Discharge Systems can either be integrated with the silo or installed as an add-on, depending on the design and reason for its inclusion.
It is important to distinguish between the basic objectives of discharger aids and those of feeders to avoid misapplications. The primary purpose of a discharger aids is to promote flow, not necessarily to regulate it, and without regard to the order of zone discharger. A feeder, on the other hand, depands on the material flowing reliably to its inlet. Feeders influence the flow regime developed in the storage container and will not function if flow in the bin is unreliable. A feeder and its supply [[Hoppers |hopper]] are therefore an integral system.